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Wednesday, December 17, 2003


Dear C.,

The lifestyle of the urban middle-class dropout art-gypsy makes us both shine like Archie McPhee glow-in-the-dark rubber cephalopods plus the tilted architecture around here turns everything pure as gale and mist washing my skull. I like your cat. Have your people call my people. I offer you, here, now, with love, the Ten Warning Signs of Bohemianism:

1. Odd Dress
2. Long Hair
3. Living For The Moment
4. Sexual Freedom
5. Have No Stable Residence
6. Radical Political Enthusiasms
7. Drink
8. Drugs
9. Irregular Work Patterns
10. Addiction To Nightlife

You are the wonderful. Waves and Blankets of Stars regard your every move. I am entering the earth as a street closes but it's your street and then, as you follow the map with an extended fingernail, tracing its route, our homes in transfigured space, the furniture (surely) like darts scoring triple twenties across the landscapes of our autobiographies. We cohabitate chapters XVII-XXIII. The interesting ones. See footnote 2(a). gives your review four and a half stars. You are responsible for at least four. Thanks.

With us no other work but the genius of present life.


Monday, December 15, 2003

I REMEMBER (after Joe Brainard)

I remember my dog Blackie.

I remember jumping off the piano when I was 4 trying to fly & hurt my nose. I thought the cape was what did it.

I remember wanting to be a cowboy when I grew up.

I remember my first girlfriend Kimberly JoAnn Farris, when I was in second grade. She was also my cousin Jeff's girlfriend. She used to hold hands with both of us at the same time.

I remember when cokes were fifteen cents.

I remember three channels on TV.

I remember trips to Indio, California, when I was a kid & how hot the sidewalk was if you went barefoot.

I remember visiting my cousins in Lawrence, Kansas, & a kid on the street out front offered me a Tic-Tac & I thought it was drugs.

I remember the first night I slept in the dorm in college when I was 17. I was scared.

I remember the first time I shaved. I felt very solemn. And chafed.

I remember proposing to my ex-wife. I had to do it twice in a row before she said yes.

I remember walking around Tulsa on my honeymoon holding hands.

I remember doing push-ups in the Army in the rain in the mud.

I remember falling in love with Katie McCauley so hard it gave me a nosebleed.

I remember the first time I saw a girl's breasts for real. I thought they would be like foam rubber or Stretch Armstrong or something.

I remember getting drunk with Tommy Jacques & going to see Katie McCauley at the girls' dorm. She wore a polka dot dress. We sang "Rosalita" to her. Tommy fell down on the lawn.

I remember working as a security guard when I was first married & making contraband sandwiches in the big institutional kitchen at 4 a.m.

I remember when I thought Royal Crown Cola was exotic.

I remember seeing "Raiders of the Lost Ark" thirty-seven times.

I remember my roommate Kevin when he was ten and I went to school with his dad.

I remember Heidi Widder when she was sixteen with braces. She was very beautiful & shy. I sneaked her wine at a party.

I remember when I turned 33 thinking I had outlived Jesus, Alexander the Great, and John Bonham of Led Zeppelin.

I remember when my parents put me to bed when I was a kid & how if I needed to get back up for a glass of water or something, how I was always secretly afraid that if I peeked into the 1967 living room where they were watching TV or playing cards with their friends, they would all have giant ant-heads.

He bought an island off the coast
Of Bermuda and crowned himself
King Denslow the First, with his native
Boatman as the admiral of his fleet
And his Japanese cook as prime minister.

He died on May 27, 1915, of pneumonia.

thinking of "the blue rose sonnets,"
up late, I know how Columbus felt,
a secret route to the Indies, etc.,
the Holy Grail, which is you, the
Plus-Ultra!, & just because it
turns out to be Florida don't mean jack!
I mean, Okefenokee is okay, too,
and if you turn out to be real, too,
get pissed off at times, throw your
stuff all over the place, I can
revel too in flying plates and tearful reconciliations.

I need the Shaggy Man's
Love magnet, man, magnet,
Mack--ack! Love magnet,
& I could drive up up up
Her street, & all her love would
Flooooooow down my way, down to
My street, flow on down to my neighbor-

(howls at yellow moon, all full tonight) / exit
stage right
Q & A

Q: I wonder what life was like
a thousand years ago?

A: It was probably a lot like
being in High School--

zammis watches me
as I leave
he's seeing things
that no one else can see

everything is a-ok:
his mama's very beautiful today

because of those crazy heels
she was wearing

with her little lace
red devil dress

I carried her all around
outside that night

at the party
with her in my arms

for well over an hour
and her eyes sparkled

when I set her down at last
near the laundry room

she disapproves
of the way leaves fall
from the trees
when they fall in my yard


David it's Dr. Tim. The eagle has
landed. Capeche?


David, it's Lisa. Um...I just wondered
if you had any green paint...


Hi, um, this is Chuckie, again, and
I was hoping to get some, some weed...killer...


Ay, mate, how's it goin? Just called to
see if you were still holding the kind
stuff, you know what I mean? Ring
us up when you get this.


Hi. David. I left my lipstick at your house.
I was hoping to come and pick it up.


Hey, I was going skiing this weekend, and I could
really stand to borrow those goggles
from you again, the ones with the half-inch lens?


Hey, it's ELMO! and I am in need of your LOVE! Call me!


Hey, Captain, whazzup? You around? Hello. Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello.
Alright, check it out, I'm thinking about taking out an ad in your publication,
a quarter page ad, wanna know your rates, right on? Call me
back. Bye-bye.


(tape ends)

"Curiouser and curiouser!" cried Alice
(She was so much surprised, that
For the moment she quite forgot how
To speak good English). "Now I'm
Opening out like the largest telescope
That ever was! Good-bye, feet!"

django reinhardt & cokes
& comicbooks at 2:35 a.m.
are a great pleasure, at the
tattered end of the day

partly because of the secrecy
of our smiles, the pure
open gladness of seeing you
(& to be seen with those dark eyes!)

even now, you asleep far away,
awash in dream, makes poverty
almost fun, makes little
things big & beautifully true

gypsy guitar I hear
chords like my thought,
resonant, picking its way
across the open field that's you

There was one black
Person in the church.
She was standing in
The front row of the
Choir, right next to the
Oriental woman.

You are the brightest apple of my afternoon--
green, blue, some kind of, like, burgandy birdsong.
You are more important than sleep.
(You like different drugs than I do,
and the same ones, too!)

You are a small song in the wilderness
You are a dovetail joint,
You are the honeybee mouth I coil'd my tongue around.
Ass of Venus! (the first champagne goblet
was molded from the breast of Helen of Troy;
the second one was you)

"Sorry I can't be more help in--not solving the
mystery of woman--but what? helping you
find a woman who allows you to look at her clues"
--letter from Cone Turner

"You are a Major-General in the marching band
of the Heroes of the Republic".

Someday you will be on a coin.

You are the chocolate-covered raisin of my morning,
the hottest band this side of the iron curtain,
a blue train ride, a stroll in the rain, the silence
of ten thousand crickets:

A halo of moon-rays, rolling downhill,
bright as day at 4 a.m.

I feel caught
Between two things

Wish I knew
What they are

Tangled star

I dreamt I was taken
Within sight of a lighthouse
On a beach--in the dream
I remembered a trip to Florida
I took, that I never took.
What can this mean?

Tomorrow is easy, really really easy,
But tonight I am curious about the light-
House, what does it signify there
Just within sight? They are having
An awfully great time there on the other side,
I can hear the sound of the music
Beyond the big dunes.

The overpowering day hits
Like a circus midget! like a
Monkey in a cowboy suit!
Like a chocolate-covered raisin!

All its entanglements like
The threat of a hummingbird:
Lemonheads! Junior Mints!
Red licorice handcuffs!

I gnaw my way to freedom--
Willie Wonka, watch yr
Back, Jack!

Wednesday, December 10, 2003


this is where I live
I knew it would be like this
still, with the trees moving
seven a.m.
water trickle on
air hurts
small town
shut down

Tuesday, December 09, 2003


September rolls like a wave over
Our cuffs, strains of Tchaikovsky
Hanging in the air. The word is not
The thing. Countries get crazy &
Go to war all week long.

Despair of hangdog love, her sunny
Lust buoys me up & then I go
Crashing down. Boom. Legs broken,
Collarbone, dying in a hail of
Gunfire in front of the Biograph.

Form dictates content. I'd love
A day in bed with her form.
Maybe next week. Roper of stars,
To be joyous is to be a madman
In a world of sad ghosts. Ha!

Red Bud Inn, Mountain View, Ark.
Rain tonight, out,
Silent sidewalk town
Who knows solitude
Of the polar night
In this dank burg?
The girl at Hardee's sweeping
Glad to see my ass go out the door.

I don't want to take a walk
Or read someone else's book,
I want to make love to you
In a field of wild flowers,
But you aren't here.

Something in the delirium
Of the night hours,
I am a universe etc.
I'm happy with our hermetic games--
(Do you love me
Despite prevailing conditions?)

Rough, beautiful intoxication of you,
Poetickal,--Breakfasting on rain,
I think of your eyes.

Monday, December 08, 2003


Ann is sad today,
Or seems so,
Cheek pillowed in hand
And hair all willow'd
Down, sipping her straw
Cigarette idly smoking
In her palm and
That's all I know.

rose candle
heavy bass
John Q. Citizen
rolls a joint
on a kitchen plate
outside it is
getting late

smoke on the
new wooden
window casement
next door
holly wreath
kiss me Kate!

Saturday, December 06, 2003

"Whosoever shall encounter him by chance shall read to him
this poem. Who gives a damn about the bathroom door
rotting off its hinges & who gives a damn about a toehold
on a crowded ladder. Francois does not pity my delusions
nor those of the monks & black-winged demons painted
in gold & tempera onto the panels of my face. "
--Anselm Berrigan

Friday, December 05, 2003


I am harmed by those strikes
a that just happened to us one
of the depart. though it pains
me to all of the ocean is now
beneath our feet. as I watch the
sun go down I can be seen in
heaven's keep.

angels live they never
die, apart from us beyond the
sky, faded souls who've turned to
ice, so ashen white in paradise.
angelic arms spreading 'round,
protecting us without a sound.

I will see you I want is a good
I love you no longer felt like it
on a dozen, of those prickly
hedgehogs. life goes on. my day she is
my night she's my half that
makes me wonder; why? why?

the bees are truly amazing, but what
can I compare? then I told you
to know we've been through it
is and I smile I haven't
anything to reach for I see the
traumas of an eye.

Monday, November 24, 2003

Sako nakladatelská reklama do " jak? až k opět nabýt ženy do bars a druhý obec bydliště " do dr. Nejasně se rýsovat burkhead , ed.d "

být dělitelný více než 1,500 příšerný , hašteřivý , unconventional , arogantní ,& bez výhrady cizí otevření strategie Dle jejich choulostivý taktický překvapuje až k jejich bizarní jména , tezaury otevření urazit člen určitý čelit of tradice You'll potkat takový otevření ačkoliv Člen určitý Orangutan , Člen určitý Extáze Obměna , Člen určitý Večer před svátkem Všech svatých Hrát , Duplikát Drahoušek , Člen určitý Frankenstein - Drachma Obměna , & dokonce Člen určitý Opilý Kr l. Tezaury otevření ar jeden sexy & cizokrajná věc cesta až k koření autobus jeden honba & jeden celek zbraň až k skočit dále unsuspecting & často nepřipravený odpůrce "

Saturday, November 22, 2003


Life is more fragile than
It was in 1237
Who knows how many
Kids you had that died?
That may be our saving grace
To prolong our species
Because our species
Is definitely self-destructive.
Our brains are our problem.

Chief Seattle said,
"Don't talk trash till you've
Danced in my trailer,
How can you buy my land
Till you come to my trailer
To see my tattoos?"

(And she began to dance to
Big Smith in a circle in tight
Red corduroys with a glass
Of black & tan in her little hand)

Pot Luck

The Tibetan monks were in
Key West doing their beautiful
Sand mandalas & some punk
Came in & began kicking up
Their hours of exquisite, delicate
Work. The crowd went nuts,
Surged forward to rip this skinhead
Limb from limb. But the monks
Formed a human shield around him.
He had captured the essence of
Their philosophy of art (& life)
With his big leather boots.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003


the frailty of doing anything at all contra the warm sun
brick buildings the street I see below past the rail ten
a.m. wednesday november nineteenth it reminds me
of that song by REM or someone else about drifting out
to sea because of heartbreak I assume right now my
heart is broken by waking up putting on shoes walking
down the street by other people by the empty glass on
the table I can feel the pieces grinding against one another
in my chest I wish it weren't so fucking beautiful out today

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

BLUE PANTIES (after Wallace Stevens)

There is no deductible for these,
With their hips they push asunder
The blue panties.

In Texas the twisted possibilities
Unravel like the lace on
Blue panties.

Near this small town in Oklahoma
Far away from the whirlwind
Of big city life I think of
Her blue panties.

I could hear the confusion
In the background. She was unable
To find her favorite pair
Of blue panties.

All the pressure had been taken
Off him, thank god. He had remembered
What had become
Of the blue panties.

Some of the wildest poker parties
In the history of the region
Came about directly as a result
Of such blue panties.

A man and a woman
Are one.
A man and a woman
Wearing blue panties
Are one.

The Civil Air Patrol painted on the
Sides of their aircraft a single
Pair of shimmering blue panties.

The persistence of 135 years
Of engineering excellence
Led to the design of
Perfect blue panties.

My legs stretch out to the horizon,
Like Gertrude Stein coming to Radcliffe,
Or a mule's brain, cloudy and dangerous;
The velvety intersection's bloom,
Wispy like her wonderful blue panties.

My poems have
Been arriving
Slightly bent,
Maybe you could
Straighten me out.
I know
I can't.

His little bird died
Which he'd fed every
Two hours all night long--
Earnestly, 12 yrs old,
He let it sleep upon his breast.
But it died.

We cried together
On the steps outside.
We buried it on the hillside

Patted the soil very slowly
Around, and in his small hand
A scattering of seeds of flowers,
To mark the spot.

Poor bird, he said. Poor bird,
I said, and held his hand,
And sighed.

Almost white granite with little stars
Still seeking the thrill
Delicious bliss in the ritual--
(Say something in God-language!)

"Joyful ants rest in the roof of my tree
Daughters of 1/2 seen worlds
A star creasing the sky, a lie
(While in our willful way,
We, in secret play)
O green birds!

Meanwhile green rain falls across Chinatown,
The smell of ozone on wet pavement.
Some people can't smell it when it rains:
It's worth all the rest to be able to.

Sunday, November 16, 2003


and by reason,
storytelling poetic through materialism,
(alignment to remedy and balance Medieval
world (Everything spiritual.):
material occasions.
them develop;

Tuesday, November 11, 2003


...that there is no mention of directions, a certain
way of standing, to see just so, but not how to get
there, nor what to do later, after it's over and has
worked, or not worked, when you feel that tremendous
sense of elation or crushing anti-climax, and wonder
why you bothered at all--you will always find things
that you were not looking for, birds or ghosts of them
singing in your heart, poised, awaiting the call that
never came. you cannot call them. but it's okay you
wanted to.

Monday, November 10, 2003


The divinity of Jimmy's Egg
Fills me with a slow blue light
Like watching a sleepy girl
Walk her dog at dawn or
The way the highway rolls away
Behind me as I hurtle West to OKC

8 locations in the metro area!
Steak & eggs $5.00 (w/ homefries grits biscuits/gravy!)
Roast beef omelette! Short stack rising to the loft!
OJ & coffee & maple syrup pouring down like love!

It's all in the way you love
The things that fall your way
Unexpectedly. I have risen
From the tomb of sleep another day,
Hot coffee (say) or buttered grits
Would seal my fate so cheap!

I mean, 8 locations spread across the wide
OKC sky line like butter on a crust!
I must, now, know; tell me now, I beg:
Which came first? Was it Jimmy, or the Egg?

"You write from what you don't know
Toward whatever can be picked up in
The act
I think I was thinking
Eureka Springs is lovely though
Small & cheap

I am letting my beard go & go
It is a certificate or something
Around here like liking Chelsea's
Or the Lumberyard it's one or
The other me I hate the Lumberyard
Don't you?

The trees on my hill
Frame my weltanschaaung
As I go along
And come back to them
(And Frank Black, the leaf
Rain, the cell phone--)
Never alone.

Thursday, November 06, 2003


The language of doors,
Their syntax, grammars
Of going out or coming in--
Play the movie or make
Work of it as we Americans do,
She stapled the wing back
On the angel & just looked
At us as if daring us to say
One goddamned contrary word,
Which we, of course, did not.
Would you?


Silence sharpened pencils
In the street & afterward
We managed to speak
Of coriander & dialogue
And the void, a dead man
Shaking out linen--yes
Unmade beds, the stars,
Your mouth, yes--
It quit raining & we just
Sat around.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003


I have written lines on the edges of your pages sweet
friend giving it a quality both humorous & romantic.
(The combination of harpsichord with seagulls I never
would have thought of in a million years, but it works
on you.)

I can't get out of this green city of clocks. Sorry.
You are here for one thing, I'll show you when you
come over. Everybody is young & they have beautiful
babies you can see at the edges of photos.

We should hang out more. At least Christmas is sexy
here, all wooden & gauzy & full of Americans (*grin*).

But I digress. I am beside you thru the ghost of
winter, hungry lions, you are a landscape I navigate
daily. Trees & the sound of a river running. Some
river! Amor fati. Optimism is a revolutionary act.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

(after Jim Carroll)

Making shapes this place
I've been sitting, looking
Driven gaga by ugliness
Into the beer garden
(O ________, my friend, arise!)

They too would march
On into the broad future,
Songs of love & trouble
(If you don't cry it isn't love)
(O God I'm still "in love" with you!)

Someone who loves me calls me.
(I'm not going to dignify any 3rd
Parties with descriptions or rancor)
Our moving cars thru the rain,
My most faithful and tender friend and prick

I suppose I'd rather be sitting
In Oaxaca now sipping a quart of
Orange Julius and being fanned by
Claire Forlani in black tights and
White glossy lipstick.

(But I'm not. I'm here. and I have something to say,)

Problems coming on
(See you later Charlie)
Like a lovely Brunette
Playing darts in a darkened
Irish bar on a Tuesday
November 4 which is now
I would have thought by now
I would be operating in a
Strictly finer vein not
Coveting Frank's new girlfriend
Next table over altho
She really burns the roman candle
At both ends when she smiles
--Veni, vidi, vici!--
And those little black boots
She's wearing are better
Really awesomely better
Than Seinfeld reruns,
Even the best ones!

Sunday, November 02, 2003

TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 01, 2003

(for Gallery 111, r.i.p.)

yes to be 15 & hang out &
yes playing zen ping chess
(i suggested the blindfolds, well hell it seemed obvious)

& interstate love song
& moondance
& haley & paget with glitter mascara
so many aspect of a star
Beautiful girls, you have been
long legged, toes curled in sand of heart
"You first!" they cry, & fall
upon the silver

they will all be 16 next month on this
warm night like cinco de maya
fair & warm like their eyes & thighs
she licks her lips & moves a little,
settles satisfied

raisin lipstick blood red chuck taylors
hummingbird feeder bong camel colored corduroys
water, air, light all you girls

green, past enchantment/
dear chris, hello



Almost hot sunshine
On my grandfather hat
And dollar sweater
Which I love
But not as much as you!



In the Fall Arts Preview
(September 12), a listing
for "Ted Berrigan's 'Sonnets,"
A November 15 tribute to the
Late poet, stated that
Berrigan (1934-1983)
Would be reading from
His own work.

The Voice regrets the error.
